#micheal afton fanfic
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Part 3 Rock you like a Hurricane
All set in 1992
"Y/N!... Y/N!" The Dorm seems empty so Y/N figures its one of those weird feelings when somebody hears somebody calling their name and no one is. Y/Ns dormmate is completely asleep. As she should be...”Y/N!" This time there was pounding at the door ... Unmistakable that someone was at the door
Until... Y/N opened it to reveal an empty hallway.
The hall was dark barring the flashlight she had brought. .... There was a faint sound of footsteps leading into the dorms shared living room. The Tv on but only on black and white static and the occasional glitch word. Until it wasn't. *Y/N Heard the clicking of a VHS tape slide into the monitor as well as the processing noises it makes as it spins.* “Happy Halloween..." *The voice is familiar horrific and nostalgic all at once.**Is that...?**No.. No way in hell.* “Suzie... I'm right here if you need me have fun try not to eat too much candy..." *Thier father warns.The screen goes to a weird distorted static of the next part of the video.* When it's clear again it seems Suzie is holding the camera.* “Follow me...." *The spine-chilling voice requested.* *The absolute discomfort of the whole situation had the hair the back of Y/N's neck standing up. The man in the video who Y/N assumed was Michaels Father just sounded apathetic bored maybe... like he wanted to be anywhere but there.*There is … Calculation to it… To their crying family dog who’s leg had broke “somehow… “
Y/N remembered that and how hard she worked to get their dog back to his playful self after what he had seen happened to Suzie… Y/N knew that deep down…. But to see from Suzies eyes the moment of her death the sickening fall of the Camera….It felt too sickeningly real… Especially when the scene didn’t stop with the camera falling…. Y/N guessed she was being shown by Suzie the moment of her death. The horror of realizing your entire future had been snuffed out. As you see Suzie stare at her own body …. She worries about her dog who hobbles ran back to our father and came home after Suzie didn’t…There is a moment of freezing not because of temperature but ,because Suzie was 10 years old.Theres a list of things she was supposed to have had the options to do with her life… Finish elementary school,Start middle school, Join clubs, Go to all the places in the world that now only her missing persons posters have.
Now Y/N was seeing all of it as Suzie had Screaming with no sound Coming out at all as William Afton cleaned what little was left of her life and memory off the floor.
Thats the thing nobody considers about bloodstains…. They are the one last desperate remain when all else has gone.They are the last living bit of someone who is perhaps no longer living. Not only did William Afton Murder Y/N’s sister but he whistles something calmly as be scrubs the last mortal traces of what was once Suzie off the floor …. Rubber gloves soap easy to mistake for diligence or cleaning the establishment he owned.. But it was the whistled song from … Snow white? That made the scene even more eerie…this guy is whistling whistle while you work … while he cleans up and makes what happened to Suzie a missing persons case rather than a murder case.
*Oddly enough Y/N woke up crying… with this awful feeling of hollow finality at what she had just watched.
Micheal blushes slightly “I um…. I just wanted to tell you…. Im sorry for not telling you sooner…. For not being able to express myself properly…. For everything….”
“You don’t have to apologize Micheal… I messed up too and i did a lot of the same things you did… To try to feel safe again? To heal from the guilt I felt at my last conversation with her being a fight over a meaningless doll. There was so much I wanted to say to her but I couldn’t so … I choked on every word I didn’t say for years. The biggest one being Im sorry… and I miss you but… daydreaming what I would have done isn’t going to bring my sister back from the dead or get her justice.
You might be the only other person alive who could possibly get what that feels like all of it.. We both lost people… people we cared about but we didnt always get along with…. We both tried to hide the fact weve always been geeks at heart with pretending to be one of the so called “cool kids.” If my suspision is right you are looking for answers too maybe the same answers I am.”* Y/N explains*
“So…. You think…. That we could be friends?.. Like real ones?….” Micheal's voice sounds slightly excited and hopeful.
“If you want to be friends …like real ones. Im sure that can be arranged.”Y/N smiles.
“Then yes please…. Please…." Micheal says softly, holding onto Y/N’s hand tightly as he stands there waiting patiently for a response.
“Okay then…” Y/N smiles with thier heart racing
After a few moments of awkward distracted silence and half nervous glances pass by... Micheal finally speaks up again. “Can I come inside?….." He asks shyly, wanting nothing more than to be close to Y/N.
“oh wait … you are still in the hall! I'm so sorry that was so rude of me.”’Y/N explains embarrassed walking into the dorm.
“It’s okay… Don’t worry about it…" Micheal tells them gently Maybe we should hangout sometime…. Or even do stuff together…. It would be nice to spend time with someone else besides my family…. And you seem fun enough to hang out with….” Micheal explains
“Yeah… no for sure…. Im still suprized you didnt actually … hate me … so Im going to like adjust to that.” Y/N chuckles.
“I didn’t really hate you either…. I mean you were kinda annoying sometimes but other times you were funny or cute…. So its fine if you want to hang out with me….” Micheal explains leaning against the dorm room wall smiling wide.*
Alright.” Y/N smiles…. “But I should probably fill eachother in on everything since high school first?”
“After highschool? Was the question right… yeah… I still work for my father at Freddys as a night guard. Which is why I was at the arcade game section anyway.” *Micheal explains.*
“That doesnt bother you being there…. that late?… With the history and the missing persons and the confirmed bodies they found at other locations I mean..” Y/N asks.
“Well not really… My Dad pays well and lets me live rent free which helps alot.” *Micheal says laughing lightly.*
“Can I ask you a question? … Um … Its going to sound a little weird but … I just need to know.” Y/N hesitates before asking
“Sure thing…. What is it?” Micheals face lights up again as he waits patiently for them to continue.
“Do you…ever feel like that weird gut feeling someone who you know is dead isnt gone?” Y/N wonders.
“Yes… All the time.” Micheal answers honestly. “It makes sense though… ” Micheal adds calmly before looking back at Y/N...
“Um… Since High school I … started studying psychology but specfically psychological profiling…. l dropped the whole perfect cheerleader facade …That was always just me trying to live the legacy Suzie was supposed to have. To Make sure I wasnt the continued Dissapointment of the Davie’s family…but It wasnt worth it considering how many times theyd cut up my uniform or tell the teacher i caused whatever problem it was this time….I just wanted to be treated like a human again…” Y/N sighs.
“So your upset about being called a disappointment?” Micheal asks gently, “Or are you more upset about how much trouble you got into because of it?” He looks down at them sadly, knowing exactly where Y/N was coming from.
“Both… If I had not… I was so annoyed with her because she stole my …doll after I agreed to be dress like it for halloween… that year I… whatever happened to her… I never got to tell her… The last thing I said to her… was I .. I wished I didn’t have a sister. I think about It everyday … its been 11 years and I still …. They blame me… maybe if I didnt yell she wouldnt have disappeared … maybe if I went with her things would have been different … I stopped being me and started to be Replacement Suzie or the Suzie they could still raise… I tried telling them I didnt think she was gone… That made everything worse…”Y/N doesnt make eye contact.
“I would do anything and I mean Anything to take it back….I she was the cool one the real cool one …I live with so much guilt and no where to .. explain it or put it I..” Y/N breathes shakily.
Micheal stands up slowly and walks over to Y/N and hugs them tightly. "Shh…shhh…" he whispers softly in their ear. "Its okay...it's gonna be alright..." His voice sounds reassuring yet sad at the same time. "...Just let go”
“How… do you do that? because if you know how to stop having the nightmares where… My parents get the call the finally found her…. her body… and I have to watch as the little sister who lived to be older…. remove the body of a child who was supposed to be older than me….”Y/N sighs. “I swear I still see her sometimes …. Or hear her I…. I dont know… Last nights was the most vivid nightmare about her I had had in a long time it felt so... Real...like a memory.”
Micheal holds onto YN’s shoulders tightly.
“If there is something else bothering you… Please talk to me about it… I can help…” Micheal says quietly, looking into their eyes lovingly.
“I just have to find out what happened to her … what actually happened to her…. Im working on being able to figure it out… Detective classes, Forensic psych, psychological profiling. Im going to find what happened Im going to solve the disapearance of Suszie Davies and …maybe the other kids too…” *Y/N explains.*
“What are you doing now? Are you trying to find…” He pauses before asking his question, wanting to ask but afraid of the answer. “Are you trying to find her body?”
“Im trying to find anything that gives me answers as to what happened to my sister…. I …I have….I have too… Its the only way I redeem myself with my parents … because I can never be her …I will never be her… and she will never get to grow up like she was supposed too. So there is only one thing I can do for her now and that means ending all this for good. No more deaths no more accidents. The only proper apology I can give her now.” *Y/N explains with a heavy sigh.*
“I understand…. But why did you choose to come here? To me? Why not someone else?” He asks curiously, leaning forward slightly. “Why didn’t you go to your dad?” He asks worriedly, concerned for Y/N’s safety.
“Yeah let me ask my Dad who sees me as Suzie 2.0 and blames me for what happened”Y/N sighs.
“Is he always so angry?” Micheal asks, concern evident in his tone. “Doesn’t he realize how much pain he causes you by treating you like this?” He asked sadly.
“He doesnt even know he is doing it which makes it …. worse….” Y/N Shrugs
“That must be hard…..” Micheal nods sympathetically, understanding exactly how difficult it would be to live through such an abusive relationship. “Do you think maybe you should tell him? About how he treats you?” He suggests gently, hoping Y/N would consider it eventually
“I-I have hurt them enough….” Y/N sighs heavily…
“If they dont know what they are doing they wont change.”Micheal explains…
“… Its more complicated than that….I told them I thought Suzie was still here… not alive but here….” They explain. “You can guess how that went.”
“Oh god….” Micheal says quietly, unable to imagine how awful that must feel. “How long ago did you say that happened?” He asks softly, concerned about their wellbeing and wanting to help them if possible.
“Pfft the year after so 81 … literally a decade ago…. I remeber that being the same time i forgot who I was….. trying to be Suzie because Suzie couldnt be …” Y/N explains.
What?! That cant be true!” Micheal exclaims incredulously, shaking his head in disbelief. “Are you sure about that?” He asks nervously, genuinely surprised by their revelation. “But why would you lie about something like that?”
Its a metaphor… Micheal not literal.”Y/N explains.
A metaphor? For what?” Micheal asks confusedly, tilting his head slightly in confusion. “For what purpose?” He asks curiously, intrigued by the explanation. “Can you explain further?” He asks patiently, waiting for an answer eagerly.
“To metaphor for feeling like if I did things my sister liked when she was alive instead of what I liked ….it would make me feel closer to her …kind of like by me choosing to do what she liked she still had a chance to do it vicariously through me… Like I still gave her a chance…”Y/N clarified.
“So basically you were comparing yourself to your dead sister?” Micheal asked with a hint of amusement, nodding slowly as he tried to understand what they meant. “And you felt guilty because you wanted to give her some sort of closure by making decisions based on her preferences?”
“Yes Exactly…!” Y/N exclaims.
That makes sense actually.” Micheal nods, understanding now why they chose this path of action. “Do you think it worked? Did you get closer to your sister by following her preferences?” He asks curiously, curious about Y/Ns response. “Did you find out anything?”
Anything I think I know is nothing without concrete proof thats what I need evidence..”they frown unfortunantly any evidence would be a decade old by now…”Y/N adds.
“Let’s go talk to some people tomorrow morning when they wake up. They should be able to help us figure things out better than we can alone.” Micheal offers.
“There are people you know who…. would be safe to ask?…”Y/N asks.
“Yeah.. There is one person i know… who wants answers as well …. Its personal for him as well. He lost his daughter in 85 and he knows Freddys as well as my Father.” Micheal answers quickly.
Part 1
Rock you like a Hurricane Part 2 - Cheer
Rock you like a hurricane part 2: time periods flip between (1980-1985) (and the year of the previous chapter.)
For Y/N the year 1980 was ... late elementary early middle school.
Y/n remembers it well... It was the last time y/n ever felt ... safe truly safe, last time Y/n could actually trust anyone, last day of calm before the storm.
"I just think you look like her a little..."
"Like my doll?"
"Aren't I the younger one shouldn't I be asking you to dress up as something."
"That doesn't always have to be how it works... Just dress up as the doll I look like the other doll the friend one but you."
"Only for you but I get to choose both our costumes next year."
There never was a next year...
There was barely a next week...
"Where is it Suzie?"
"You probably left it in the car again by accident."
"Your older you ... have your own toys why cant I have one thing thats mine? People call me Suzie's Sister .... Like I don't have a name of my own we have the same last name, the same room I ask for this one thing to be mine."
"Well maybe you should keep a better eye on things be more responsible... Thats what Mom says anyway."
"I was responsible I ... You took it stop lying! I ask to have only one thing of my own!"
"Yeah well we are sisters we share."
"Yeah Well I wish I was an only child.... That you didn't always lecture me on how I can be better to measure up to you! I wish I had a sister that didn't steal my toys! Have fun at your meaningless party. I hope betraying me and stealing the doll you asked me to dress up as makes you happy." *The conversation replays in Y/Ns memory.*
The story's Present
Michael for his own part doesn't usually do this but it isn't hard to find the university housing Y/N is living in. It didn't take long to find her dorm by asking around. 6th on the left Peabody Building.
Michael is hesitant to knock knowing exactly how Y/N would react.
"Okay... uh Hi... look if your with the frat house that egged my car....save it. Also If this is about me reviewing a thesis or a project for you ... Its my day off so It'll cost extra."
"Y/ N N .... Oh is this another one of your shady homework deals ... Ill pretend I didn't see anything but when your done can you do the ... thing you do with the computers to make them go faster?"
"Whos?" Micheal asks referring to person who just spoke.
"Roxanne ... The R.A. Look I will check out the computers later ... Just tell the others to stop trying to get free music Win.amp and those other sites sometimes attract viruses ,hackers, which would be why it slows down in the first place." Y/N sighs
"And What about installing the security cams you promised?" Roxanne counters.
"You covering it? Or is the school..? Because I'm not paying for it. For quality pre assembled cameras its expensive... going down to radio shack to get parts to build it from scratch is... more expensive." Y/N explains.
"Fine look ill talk to the school just do whatever hack trick you do for the computers..." Roxanne requested..
Before gesturing an awkward call me at Micheal while walking away."
"Is uh ...?"
"She always like that pretty much its gotten a-lot better though...She used to front this punk band and They weren't quiet. Anyway what was it you wanted?" Y/N questioned.
"Oh.. Yeah.. you still think Im a frat…Its me Micheal... as in Afton as in please don't tell me you went to Hurricane High ...Micheal from the arcade the other day..." Micheal explained
"Oh! Yeah Micheal who ditched the conversation." Y/N deadpanned
"I -I didn't ditch I.." Micheal panics
"Relax, Im joking..." Y/N chuckles
"The electrical outlet blew at the end." Micheal explained.
"You look ... different." Micheal added.
"Thats... really how you want to start this conversation?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow
"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way ..." Micheal explains.
"Look Afton, Why are you even here? Its not like we were super close when we were younger." Y/N asks.
"Do you remember the classes we had together in 84-85” Micheal wonders.
"Barely why?" Y/N questioned
"I was an ass to you before. I learned that the hard way... With what happened to Evan. You were one of the only people who still talked to me after that. I know you gave the notes to everyone but writing things back and forth kept me. It kept me from being stuck. Anyway uh... I owe you. So if you want me to look for information on Suzzie I can." Micheal offered
"Can we stop?"
"Stop what?"
"The secrets Afton... Your Father was the main suspect... and I know she's dead but... Not exactly. She doesn't always feel gone she...never really felt gone Nobody believed me back then but... Now... Something tells me you know exactly what I mean. I'm not imagining things." Y\N explains slightly annoyed.
"I...I know. I'm sorry. I don't know where my Dad hid the bodies... He sort of hated me after everything. I just know he... He killed her... And that when I work night shift weird stuff happens. Weird as in the spring suits move on thier own weird.. Arcade machine will stop us from talking because an unknown message thinks I'm hurting you weird." Micheal explains.
"I... She actually is there then... It was never just me or wishful thinking... She doesn't talk to me. I... I was so mean. I can't even blame her." Y/N looks away wiping the small tear dripping down her cheek.
"Hey... Shhh... It's okay." Micheal whispers trying to see if she was ok with a hug. She nods and he just holds her as he explains.*"I don't think that's why she doesn't come to you.. I think she just doesn't want to hurt you. I have to agree...having Utah's superstar upset? Absurd."
Classes of 84-85
Considering the incident with Evan a little more than a year prior.
Uniforms the same Color red that stained his own hands, his own clothing, the color the flashed in front of him whenever he tried to sleep a deep dark red...
It grabbed his attention but what further grabbed his attention was Y/N ... At this point only the assistant cheer captain of Hurricane high.
"Stop gawking its weird dude..." *Of the other students around told him*
"I wasn't." *Micheal panics*
"You weren't? That might actually be weirder...
But hey the skull-crusher and the cheerleader totally sounds like you have a shot there ,killer." the student he is talking to just laughs at his own remarks.*
"Can you screw off?"*Micheal snaps.*
"Like the unhinged deathrobots your Dad makes?....sure." *The other student snarks.*
Micheal just walks away agitated and Isolated deciding to stay in the gymnasium simply because Rock you like a hurricane was playing.
What he didn't expect further was Rock You like a hurricane to be made into a cheerleader number.
"Y\NN! Stop doodling and try attending to your duty as assistant cheer captain." *The cheer captain whined
"I was actually... taking notes .Unless you'd like me to attempt acrobatics in the middle of taking notes where our team can improve."*Y/N explains.*
"Dont backtalk me. The only reason you are allowed to have any power in this squad is because the Cheer coach pity's you and I let you on because I used to be friends with your older sister. You somehow ended up a disappointment... Even when we expected nothing from you to start. For the record this is why I liked Suzie better. " *The cheer captain sneered.*
Y/Ns face just dropped before it turned smirk
"Guess the feelings Mutual because I liked Suzie better than you too. Especially because by your own logic if she were alive she would have had your position I still would've been co-captain and you... well we know what you would've been.. Hey coach can I please have somebody with actual authority read over my notes
Thanks." *Y/N hands the coach the notebook before cheer practice ended. Though most of the squad was clapping by that point. Especially considering the how the coach approved of her notes.
The next time Micheal spots her is when shes leaving the cheer locker room. Her uniform had been ripped
"Y/NN? You changed your name?"�� *Micheal notes*
"Yep." *Is all she says.*
"Are you okay?" *Micheal asks.*
"When has it ever mattered to you before Afton?"*Y/N glares..*
" Just because I don't ask doesn't mean I think it doesn't matter" Micheal pointed out
"Look Its nothing..."*Y/N sighs.*
"Nothing doesn't destroy uniforms..."*Micheal countered.*
"Shit." *Y/N tries to stuff the uniform back in her backpack. And hide it so no one else would know.*
"Look whatever she did it isn't the first time people have used me as target practice..." *Y/N thinks out-loud.*
"They shouldn't..." *Micheal noted.*
".... I know. Look um... I have to run because I'm going to have to fix my uniform but your in my psych class." *Y/N excuses herself.*
"I noticed that too... I mean .... Its First day of the semester. So kinda hard not to hear who's name gets called." *Micheal... tries to play it cool.*
"Sure." *Y/N waves beginning to walk away.*
"If you actually want to help me with my sister... I could use the help. Truth is you don't really have to ask forgiveness. You and I are... more alike then we like to admit. Anyway....Im sorry too." *Y/N explains.*
"Because I... I... used to be nervous around you. I worried maybe you covered for your Dad but uh.... In all honesty you didn't have much of a choice. Thank you for being honest with me." *Y/N admits*
"Used to? As in past tense." *Micheal smirked.*
"Shut up!" *Y/N laughs.*
#fnaf#fnaf x reader#michael afton xfem!reader#micheal afton x reader#micheal afton fanfic#rylah#rock you like a hurricane#part3#five nights at freddy's#five nights at freddys fanfiction#michael afton#michealaftonshortfic#michealaftonfanfiction#michealafton imagine#fnaf susie#micheal afton x susies sibling#fanfic#fic#fanfiction#freddys fanfiction#freddys fanfic#michealaftonxyn
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can everyone please stop tagging movie Mike Schmidt fan fics as Michael Afton. I'm looking for game Michael Afton not movie Mike Schmidt. (I do adore both though)
#fnaf michael afton#michael afton#michael afton fanart#micheal afton#mike schmidt#mike schimdt x reader#michael afton x reader#mike schimdt fanfic#fnaf#fnaf movie#fnaf mike schmidt#fnaf mike afton
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Micheal Afton Core
#fnaf#fnaf fanart#five nights at freddy's#fivenightsatfreddyssecuritybreach#micheal afton fanart#micheal afton#william afton#fivenightsatfreddysfanart#elizabeth afton#fnaf gregory#fnaf art#fnaf ggy#ggy#fnaf au#michealisnotabadguy#fnaf secuirty breach#fnaf vanny#au#technically a fanfic#illusiondisks#michealaftonpostscoop#circus baby#fnaf 6 pizza simulator
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having the afton men as your bosses
william afton & micheal afton hcs
nsfw headcannons will be colored red.

william afton ✦
• he was a very serious man, to say the least. he didnt want any of his workers to see him act like a goof.
• "none of you will be prepared for the real world if you cannot behave correctly at your job."
• but then you came along. and every bit of respect he had for his reputation was shattered. not with other people, of course, but with you.
• instead of seeing william as your tough boss, you saw him as your literal reason to wake up everyday.
• and to him, you were his pretty little assistant. his good girl, even.
• sometimes, he'd give you extra work just to see you everyday.
• and other times, that work would lead to staying at the job extra late.
• once you would finish all that hard extra work, he'd reward you in various ways.
• "you did such a good job for me." he'd grin as he fingered you with all his power and speed.
• "my slutty little assistant fucking herself on my fingers.."
• his praise and degrading could drive anyone crazy for more.
• when you two would have sex during work hours, he'd tease you about noise the whole time.
• "shhhh, you don't want all your friends to know how cock thirsty you are.." and he'd cover your mouth.
• he made more than sure to fuck you so rough that your moans were extremely loud, and youd leave his office embarrassed.
• but what you didnt know was that the walls were soundproof. he just liked fucking around with you.
• nothing surprised him more than seeing your whore side for the first time. and oh did he love seeing it.

micheal afton ✦
• he was super sweet to all of his workers. bringing gifts, joking around, and being kind overall was his specialty.
• "how did you all sleep today?" he'd say over the intercom with genuine curiosity.
• once you had become his assistant, he could not resist you. a different side of him came along. a more needy one.
• he was always buying you gorgeous flowers every single day. and even though you were his assistant, he demanded nothing from you.
• and since he was an amazing conversation starter, you'd usually be found sitting on top of his desk talking to him.
• when your shift was over, he'd always say "time goes by so fast, doesnt it?" and that was his trick to make you stay.
• "a few more minutes, please? i'll do anything, gorgeous, please." was his other go to.
• he loved seeing you on top of his desk like you owned it. and he also loved seeing you mess around with his name plate on the desk. just fidgeting with it.
• and he wished youd fidget with him. just use him and treat him like your little fuck toy.
• one time, you wore a skirt to work. and of course that pervert kept sneaking glances at your revealed thighs and panties. those sights made his cock throb.
• and when he got horny? oh you were in for it. so much begging. "touch me please please please. look at how hard i am baby, please."
• "its okay if you dont wanna touch me, i'll touch myself and you can watch. tell me thats okay mommy. please."
• it was definitely hard to say no, especially with those puppy eyes he'd give. he acted like you getting rid of his boner was the best thing to ever happen to him.
• and when youd suck him off occasionally, he would absolutely lose it. he loved your mouth so much and he felt the need to repay you the same way.
• if you pleased him a certain way, he'd try his hardest to make it up to you the same way. suck him off? he'll eat you out. hand job? you get fingered.
• at the end of the day, all he wanted to do was be a good boy for his gorgeous girl. sometimes flowers didnt feel like enough to please you, so he had to try other ways.

#x y/n#x reader#fnaf x reader#william afton#william afton x you#smut#fanfic#william afton x reader#fnaf william afton#fnaf#micheal afton smut#micheal afton x reader#micheal afton#william afton smut#fnaf smut#fnaf micheal#fnaf x y/n#fnaf x you#headcannons#fnaf headcanons
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I want Micheal Afton but in the most discreet way possible.
I wanna make out with this man on his couch, and end the night humpping his thigh. I wanna ride him in the back seat of his car in the woods on a cold night. I want him to bend me over the hood of his car, I don’t want us to make it home. We spend the night on the side of the road. Wanna suck this man’s soul out in the bathroom. I want and will fuck him anywhere except for his bed.
The bed is to simple, it’s to stable, easy even. He’s sleep deprived, I’m chaotic manic. I need it to feel like a implosive decision, it can’t be planned.
#smut#fanfic#fnaf#fnaf smut#fnaf movie#micheal afton#afton#fnaf micheal#fnaf michael afton#fnaf movie mike#fnaf mike#fnaf micheal smut#fnaf movie smut#smut drabble#fnaf drabble#michael x reader#michael x you#michael afton x reader#michael afton x you#josh hutcherson#fnaf josh hutcherson#josh hutcherson x reader#five nights at freddy's#five nights at Freddy’s movie#five nights at Freddy’s x reader#Michael afton x yn#Michael afton smut#fnaf michael smut#whimpering#he’s a bottom
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Mike Schmidt jealousy headcanons !
Pairing(s): Mike Schmidt x Gn!Reader (established relationship)
Note! Has some plot | This is my Jealousy headcannons for movie Mike, stating this because I just might make video game Michael Afton headcannons aswell in the near future
Mike Schmidt relationship Headcanons !
If the two of you are together best believe it’s because of the trust, loyalty and strong bond between you guys.
So to say that Mike trusts you would be an understatement.
However, he can’t help but feel the jealousy seeping into him as he watches you laugh with some random person.
He tries his best not to be and most times it’s effective.
And honestly the majority of times where you’d be eating out on a date, he’d just keep calm and shake it off
Especially if you show blatant disinterest and reject them right then and there.
But like all people, he’s experienced jealousy
At first he himself didn’t even realize it
Abby did.
After Mike got fired, he was able to somehow be unbanned from the mall and had started taking abby there when he could.
Mainly cuz there was a crafts store she absolutely adored)
He and Abby were crossing into the food court section and he had a drink in hand.
Well Abby pointed you out in the distance talking to some rando, and he saw you laughing and playfully shoving the person.
He had been so busy looking at you that when Abby’s urgent yelling brought him back he realized he spilt the drink.
the drink had spilled everywhere.
He squeezed it too hard.
Once he snapped out of it and cleaned it up he decided it’d be time to head back.
When you finally arrive at the house mike is no where in sight, but Abby is.
Once she hugs you and welcomes you home she sits you down and starts going through her day with you.
After she brushed off that mike was in the restroom)
Midway her story she mentioned how she and mike saw you at the mall and told the story of his jealousy.
You were honestly surprised
Like home dude never seemed the jealous type so pretty shocking.
Once you send Abby back to her room you go pass the vacant restroom and went for his room.
Once you sat down you asked about it and although embarrassed, he admitted to feeling a bit jealous.
Definitely needs reassurance and that’s done by cuddling and being there for him during the night.
Of course other instances regarding jealousy occurs.
And a situation like this is when you’re at Abby’s school talking with this other teacher who had walked into the picture and became an assistant/tutor.
You were talking and although your relationship was obvious to everyone at the school this teacher decided to make a move.
Most times hes a bit more stand off ish when facing a situation like this.
If anything it’s just awkward for him and he doesn’t know where to put his hands.
But when the teacher looks at him and smirks he almost jumps that goddamn teacher right then and there.
Needs to be calmed down and he goes out of the room to do just that.
Then feels better when you go out to reassure him too.
My point here is that he does get jealous but it’s never in a very obvious way.
Most times he doesn’t do anything and lets you handle it.
But he’ll have his jealous moments.
If this isn’t something you like about him, then he tries to improve his jealousy.
If you’re really jealous too and got upset that he wouldn’t seem as jealous as you.
You’re in for a surprise.
If anything he didn’t want to make it an issue but he’ll definitely try to communicate with you.
Even if it’s very constipated communication and a bit difficult for him to express.
If you’re the teasing type when someone is jealous
I mean sure, sometimes the teasing could be good to bring up the mood.
But most times his jealousy comes up is in serious conversation.
If anything it’d seem like you’re making fun of him.
All I can say is
Communication 👏👏👏👏
If you ever decide to make him jealous on purpose
No, just no.
Note! Mike as your husband coming soon 🥳
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mike bf request :>
abby and reader having a girls day talking about boys and it being super cute! and mike being annoyed about all this he doesnt want abby to grow up it makes him upset she’s starting to find interest in boys in her class 😞🙈
this request is so cute, i'm obsessed! bf mike >>>
"oh yeah?" you tease gently, looking up from your drawing. "what's his name?"
"luke!" abby admits, excited but somewhat embarrassed. "he's really nice! he shared his halloween candy with me last week!"
you had been dating mike for about two months, but you had been babysitting abby for many more. in the months you had known her, the two of you had grown really close; and on this particular day, when the both of you were hunched over the living room coffee table, drawing and watching her favorite cartoon, she admitted she had a crush on a boy from her school.
you thought it was really cute, and you felt ever-so-slightly proud that you were the first person she told. mike was sitting at the dining table and, unbeknownst to you, listening to the conversation. you didn't realize he was upset until you got up to get a glass of water and saw him with his eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed.
"you good, mike?" you asked after taking a sip.
"yeah." he huffed out. you love mike with all your heart, but he is quite possibly the least subtle person you know.
"c'mon, what's up?" you take a seat next to him at the table. he sighs heavily, before explaining:
"i just think she's too young for all this boyfriend-girlfriend stuff. after all we've been through? after all she's been through? i don't know, I just-I just don't think she should be worrying about that stuff." you smiled softly, finding his concern really sweet. one of the things that you found most attractive about mike was how well he treated his little sister, especially after everything that happened at the pizzeria.
"well, i can assure you she's not worried about anything. she just thinks he's cute, which is totally normal for a girl her age! i started having crushes around that age too, it's really no big deal. you don't need to worry so much, mike, she's smart enough to know how to deal with this stuff."
he contemplated for a second, absorbing your words before the tension in his forehead and eyebrows melted.
"yeah...yeah, I guess you're right. sorry, i just don't want her growing up so fast. sometimes i wish i could put a brick on her head to stop her from growing." you both let out an airy giggle.
"yeah, me too. but she'll always be your little sister, whether she likes it or not."
"yeah," he replied, watching abby draw in the distance. "yeah, she'll always be my little sister."
#fanfiction#fanfic#fluff#mike scmidt#mike schmidt x reader#mike schmidt fluff#mike schmidt imagine#michael schmidt#micheal schmidt#abby schmidt#abby fnaf#vanessa afton#boyfriend!mike schmidt#fluffy fanfic
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Together. / Mike Schimdt
Authors Note : So I just happened to watch the FNAF movie and my god it was so good, with a hint of good Lore in it. Also the cast was perfect and ever since watching it, I had a thought of writing a quick one shot for Mike and Y/N. Where Y/N suffers from hallucination and has the same symptoms but a different kind of illness than Abby's. Suggesting that they see also the kids but also the man who's being everything, not only controlling them and their life styles, resulting in a lack of sleep pattern and tons of trauma.
Ps : Pls don't repost or copy and paste my works. Everything is written by me, and also note that English isn't my first mother language, so I apologize in advance if there is any grammar errors. I tried my very best.
From one call to another, Mike encountered an unending stream of repetitive "nos" and polite rejections for the position he sought. It dawned on him that he might be the source of the issue, especially after the peculiar "incident" that may have left a stranger somewhat shaken. A few days post-dismissal, someone finally directed him to visit the office of Steve Raglan, a man he had never met before. Today presented the perfect opportunity. Mr. Raglan fit the mold of a man from a bygone era, with his distinctive round glasses and traditional attire. Michael's growing apprehension made him wonder if venturing into this place had been a poor decision all along.
A hushed pause enveloped the room as Mr. Raglan perused Mike's professional background with casual interest. "Well, Mike..." He paused in the midst of his sentence, stealing a quick, appraising glance in his direction. Mike responded nonchalantly. "Yes?" His voice, however, lacked the self-assuredness he longed to convey.
"Care for some coffee?" Steve's inquiry was succinct yet brimming with anticipation as he strolled toward his coffee machine. Mike hesitated, then replied, "Um... No, thank you. I'd rather get this done quick." Deep down, Mike yearned for a stable job, one that would enable him to look after his sister, Abby, and perhaps even sway their aunt to grant them custody.
Steve sensed the growing impatience in his client, who was eager to learn what the future had in store. "You know," Steve remarked, returning to his chair, his voice now tinged with excitement – a side effect, Mike presumed, of his coffee intake. "I recognize this place. It's a place where someone like you would give anything for the job..." A spark of curiosity ignited within Mike as he leaned closer to Mr. Reglan, raising an intrigued brow. "And," Mike inquired. "what makes this place so special?" Steve paused briefly, carefully choosing his words. "Well, you see..."
Mike found himself utterly perplexed by the revelation before him. The location had not only been abandoned since the '80s but also, the job requirements were far from aligning with his original intentions. The compensation was dismal, and he couldn't help but suspect that perhaps none of the previous security guards had been paid properly either. Or not paid at all. It involved a shift he had no expertise in and had no intention of pursuing, particularly after having to bail on his babysitter to bring Abby with him. It was an unequivocal "No." He declared firmly, convinced that this man was even more cynical than he was.
"Are you absolutely certain? Your resume suggests you're more than capable for the position." Mr. Raglan made one final attempt to persuade, his features softening subtly from their earlier rigidity. However, Mike shook his head once more, resolute in his decision. He muttered briefly about the job being the primary source of his conflict, preventing him from seeing Abby or ensuring she had a decent meal, not to mention avoiding losing custody to his aunt. With determination, he rose from his chair, ready to leave the office. Just as Mike was about to exit, Steve handed him his business card, his demeanor marked by a slight pout, swiftly followed by a confident smile. "Just in case, take this," he suggested. Mike, though hesitating for a moment, accepted the card out of politeness and left the office without a word.
After his meeting with Mr. Raglan, Mike's quest for the ideal job seemed to come to an unfortunate conclusion. None of the places he had contacted before his appointment with the advisor, and none since, had offered him any promising prospects. He was beginning to contemplate that maybe accepting the night shift at this particular place was the most feasible option for now. If nothing else, it would provide him with a source of income, and the busy night hours might keep his mind occupied. What enticed him even more was the prospect of being his own boss, with no co-workers to influence his ever-present paranoia. This thought made him more determined than ever to give it a try.
On that very same day, as Abby engrossed herself in her beloved TV shows, Mike settled in to tackle his usual paperwork. It was a task he wasn't particularly fond of, especially considering how the bills seemed to climb higher with each passing month. Even though they were essentially the same, being currently unemployed gave him the impression that each payment had somehow inflated. Just as he was wrapping up his tax payments, a business card slipped through the paperwork, piquing his curiosity and triggering an unexpected flashback.
He hesitated for a moment, contemplating the significance of the card, and then made an impulsive decision. Michael picked up the card and dialed Mr. Reglan's number.
Silence greeted Mike on the other end of the line, as if Mr. Raglan had anticipated the need to give him some space before speaking. "Hello, Mr. Raglan, it's Mike." He began, slightly perplexed. Oddly enough, he could almost sense the man's smile from the other end of the call. It was a whimsical, knowing smile, as if the company had despaired of finding anyone willing to take on the position. Advising Mr. Raglan to take anyone who had agreed upon the offer. "The man who doesn’t do night shifts..."
“How may I help you?”
He hesitated for a moment, taking a deep gulp. Ultimately, if he hoped to secure some much-needed income by the end of the month, Mike felt he had no choice but to go for it. With trepidation, he inquired about the availability of the job position. Mr. Raglan's response was swift and affirmative, exuding a sense of warmth toward the young man's inquiry. Encouraged by this, Mr. Raglan asked, "So, from the seemingly random question, can I assume you are accepting to be the Night Guard? Is that correct?"
“Yes.” Mike firmly agreed.
“Well!” Mr. Raglan exclaimed with a beam smile written on his features. “Now let me explain you everything you need to know…”
Mike's first night turned out to be anything but simple, despite his initial expectations. Although he had assumed it would be a straightforward affair, the reality hit him when he arrived at the Pizzeria. Mr. Raglan had painted an enticing picture, but the reality was far from appealing. The exterior of the place was drab, with a sign in disrepair, and an entrance that appeared older than Mike himself. The eerie atmosphere left him questioning the wisdom of his decision to accept the job. However, the need for money was a compelling motivator, so he soldiered on.
As he stepped into the building, he recalled being informed that the technology was outdated yet operational, suggesting that someone had been there before him to maintain it. Regardless, as long as their shifts didn't overlap, it was a situation he could live with. However, as he prepared to settle into his office, a profound sense of isolation crept over him. Or perhaps it was a feeling he had merely convinced himself of.
On that very night, Mr. Raglan had called for a check-in, a practice that you found rather unsettling. It only served to worsen your already fragile sleep schedule as the weeks passed. What made it even more distressing were the persistent, haunting visions of them replaying in your mind – flashbacks of their appearances at the restaurant and even inside your own home. But what set your anxiety spiraling was the presence of an eerie figure intertwined with these visions. This haunting scenario ultimately drove you to seek medical attention at the hospital due to severe sleep deprivation. After that harrowing incident, it's safe to say that your eyes would seldom close.
You had also received a rather cryptic warning to keep an eye on the new night security guard, as if your job wasn't demanding enough on its own. Strangely enough, you had never laid eyes on the big boss, nor had any idea what he even looked like. All you knew was that he had a penchant for privacy and seemed to have great faith in Mr. Raglan's knack for providing these kinds of employment opportunities.
As you cruised through the town, dressed in your security guard uniform, you made a pit stop at the convenience store. There, you grabbed some instant coffee and a few snacks to keep yourself alert during your night shift. It wasn't as if you desperately needed them, but considering the unpredictable behavior of the animatronics, especially on the new security guard’s very first day, you opted to stay on high alert. After all, it had been who knew how long since you'd managed to keep your sanity intact while enduring the trials of this dismal place.
You had casually mentioned to Vanessa that you had a few errands to run. She appeared as exhausted as you, both of you affected by the recent ordeal involving the security guard. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor guy, always caught in the middle of chaos and associated with the color purple. It seemed absurd that something so innocuous could be the root of all these problems, but you quickly dismissed such thoughts. After paying the cashier and expressing your gratitude, you left the store behind.
Mike's night was surprisingly going well, and he mused, "It's not as bad as I thought." Despite his seemingly confident tone, he remained alert and cautious. While you had explicitly advised Vanessa not to come and check on you, yet she did precisely the opposite. Mike suddenly became aware that he was not alone. Could it be a burglar? He had been sternly warned against letting any strangers in, and he was determined to follow that advice. However, Vanessa's impressive familiarity with the Pizzeria allowed her to slip in through an alternate entrance, demonstrating her knowledge of the place. Leading Mike into desperate urgent major. Finding the burglar.
Meeting Vanessa had caught him off guard, and he was momentarily taken aback by her unexpected presence. Vanessa, however, took the initiative to speak on his behalf. "You must be the new security guard," she observed. Mike, still trying to process who this woman was, offered a hesitant nod, prompting a chuckle from Vanessa at his reaction. "I'm Vanessa," she introduced herself, her tone light. "Security guard by day, and assistant by night."
"Assistant?" Mike scrutinized her, contemplating whether he should call the big boss to confirm her role. However, Vanessa reassured him, saying. "No need to. The big boss called Y/N to fix Foxy's lair."
"Y/N?" Mike inquired, skepticism evident in his voice. "And why should I take your word for it without any proof?" He stayed close to the camera footage and swiftly switched to the next camera, which was focused on Foxy's area. Everything appeared to be in pristine condition, suggesting the entire place had been left deserted. "And who is this... Y/N?"
Vanessa pointed at the screen displaying the main entrance, where you were standing, clearly aware of the camera above. You cheekily flipped your finger at the camera, leaving Mike torn between the belief that Vanessa was indeed present or that the security guard was merely doing his job, and she wasn't there at all.
"I informed them that I wouldn't be around, but they are rather fragile. They are being advised to be checked on during their shift." Vanessa explained. "While I focus on the animatronics to avoid raising any suspicion, I suggest you go and check on them.”
The instructions were unmistakable, and Mike had little choice but to comply. "But... what if the boss finds out I'm not at my station?" He voiced his concern. Vanessa couldn't help but chuckle softly, feeling a pang of sympathy for him. "Don't fret. He's already aware." She reassured him, her expression tinged with a hint of guilt.
"Great," Mike muttered with an eye roll as he returned to monitoring the main entrance. He couldn't help but steal a glance at your figure, noticing how cold you seemed on this early fall night. He could practically see you shouting on the other line, "Hey, jerk! Let me in, it's freezing out here!" Even though he couldn't hear your words, he could tell from the expression on your face. In response, he finally granted you access, and you muttered with relief. "About time..." just before stepping inside.
As you stepped inside, the interior of the place made you acutely aware of your luck, albeit in an eerie way. It was undeniably creepy, yet you had an inexplicable sense of safety and even felt oddly welcomed. Foxy, known to be the most terrifying and historically the meanest of them all, somehow found solace in your presence. You could have sworn that at times, his eyes seemed to lower, watching as you tended to him. It was as though he had a hidden identity, not quite ready to reveal his true nature, you suspected.
As you wandered through the Pizzeria, Mike couldn't help but notice your diminutive figure amidst all the towering animatronics. He found it difficult to fathom how someone so petite could be employed in this establishment. He murmured his thoughts to Vanessa, nudging her gently. "Maybe we—" He began, but she quickly interrupted, saying, "Not now."
As you finished repairing Bonnie, the big boss tasked you with fixing Foxy, who had been acting strangely. It struck you as odd because Foxy typically only reacted to potential intruders. He preferred targeting moving objects over those playing hide and seek until they got too close. You made your way up to his lair, pulled back the curtains, and revealed his silhouette. "Seems like someone's been naughty lately..." Your voice usually provided comfort, but today it had an odd tone. "Have you...met the new guard?" You found it rather absurd to be talking to a robotic entity, particularly one as poorly and cheaply programmed as you had discovered. If there was one thing you wanted to tell the big boss, assuming you ever met them, it was to consider upgrading the gear if they ever thought of opening another Pizzeria.
On the other end, Mike observed you with a watchful eye. It didn't take long before you began repairing Foxy's arm and his body started to glitch unexpectedly. "Weird... I thought—" Your words were abruptly cut off by a loud and startling BANG. Foxy's eyes were now fixed on you, but they were different from what you were used to. They were red and filled with anger, just like in your recurring nightmares. In that harrowing moment, you froze in place, uncertain of what to do next. "Y/N!" Vanessa's voice came through the walkie-talkie, but you couldn't hear it. Everything around you felt vacant, as if you were about to become Foxy's last meal of the night... or so you feared.
An arm swiftly reached out and pulled you close to its owner. Mike clutched you tightly, and a sense of terror and dread washed over both of you. It was Mike who managed to break free from the grip and make a dash for the monitor room, but just as he got there, Bonnie arrived, blocking his path. "Damn it," he cursed, frantically scanning for an alternate route. You, from your vantage point, weakly directed him, "The first aid room...to the right."
Without uttering a word of thanks, which, given the gravity of the situation, seemed secondary to getting you to safety, Mike finally brought you to the emergency room. It was a room that had seen far too much use, but oddly enough, everything seemed to return to normal once you arrived. The animatronics had moved elsewhere, and for some reason, they couldn't access the area. This brought a sense of relief to Mike. He carefully placed your body on a rather shabby bunk bed and softly murmured, "Here..." You remained in a state of shock, your eyes wide as if your body had been frozen in place. "Hey," He attempted to reassure you, "you're safe now. Vanessa should... Great job, Mike, real smooth." He berated himself inwardly for his awkward choice of words.
Upon hearing Vanessa's presence, you lifted your head abruptly, your eyes brimming with tears you were trying to hold back. Just when you thought of her, she appeared, precisely knowing where to find you. You felt a mixture of relief and concern as she leaned in to inspect you for any wounds or scratches, cupping your face and keeping her gaze locked on you. "Has they had any water?" Mike, who was present to assist, appeared increasingly nervous this time. Being new to this place, he didn't know everything either. "Where... Where is it?" He stammered, quickly searching the room. Vanessa pointed in the direction, her eyes never leaving you. "The first storage room to the left."
"Y/N, look at me." Vanessa implored, his voice filled with unease. "The man doesn't exist. He's not here... He's a fictional—"
Nervously, Mike handed the water bottle to Vanessa, who then offered it to you. This time, you shook your head vigorously, tears streaming down your face. "No! I saw him. Foxy spoke his name to me! It can't just be in my dreams!" You pleaded, desperate to convince them, despite your previous breakdowns being labeled as delusional by past doctors. As you shook your head, you realized that Mike was beside you. You clung to his arm, causing him to gulp nervously, just a little. "You have to believe me... Please..."
Mike found it hard to believe, even though you had clearly experienced a breakdown in that moment. While it was entirely understandable, he tried to do the same thing Vanessa did. "Perhaps you should just take a moment to breathe." He suggested. "Whenever I'm in a state of panic, my doctor advises me to take deep breaths." You observed him closely and countered. "And does your doctor say you're insane?"
As undeniable as the truth was, it struck Mike that perhaps you were right. Everything seemed so peculiar when it came to Abby and Y/N's imaginary friends, especially with Vanessa working so hard to conceal her friend's breakdowns. "You know... now that you mention it..." Mike began, leaning in to discuss it further. Vanessa attempted to nudge him away, but you allowed him to continue. But he stopped. And by locking eyes with each other, you both knew something was wrong with this place. So in response, you leaned in and wrapped yourself in his arm. There was something about him that felt like home. You felt protected and, for once, someone truly understood you.
On the other hand, Mike comforted you with a few soothing rubs on your back. He glanced at Vanessa, who seemed to share the relief but carried a heavy load of guilt inside, which she wasn't ready to disclose to either Mike or you. “Shh… I got you.” He said, with a soothing voice that remembered it as your older brother. Not letting it go he continued. “We are going to get through all of this together… Y/N.”
In the distance, Abby observed the trio with Foxy's humanoid presence beside her. Foxy, who felt a deep sense of guilt for what he had done to them just hours ago, hesitated to intervene to bring Y/N back to him. However, as he watched Mike and you, he felt a strong urge to protect you, jealousy even you were a mother figure for everyone, but especially Foxy. Abby noticed his face changing into hatred until she halted him with a reassuring smile. "There's no need," Abby whispered. "They have found someone... Someone who truly cares for them. Someone who will love and protect them."
Foxy silently observed the scene unfolding before his eyes, and as he heard Abby's words, he felt a sense of relief welling up within him. Watching it all happen, Foxy came to realize that Abby was indeed right. Y/N had found someone they could genuinely rely on, someone with whom she could openly express their feelings..
#mike schmidt#josh hutcherson#fnaf#fnaf movie#mike schmidt x reader#micheal afton#micheal afton x reader#william afton#vanessa fnaf#vanessa monroe#fnaf imagines#fnaf bonnie#fnaf freddy#fnaf chica#fnaf foxy#fnaf security breach#fnaf fanfic#x reader#fandom fanfic#fluff#josh hutcherson fnaf#josh hutcherson x reader
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Michael Afton Headcanons (General + Romantic)
Warning: Childhood abuse
Mrs Afton will be called Clara and Crying Child will be called Evan.
Life in the Afton family was never perfect. William often neglected his family in favor of working on his animatronics and Clara was always fighting with him because of it. This was the norm for Michael and his siblings, unfortunately, so they were used to it. (Not like watching their parents fight and being neglected didn't hurt any less, but...)
Michael was never as obedient as his younger siblings, even when he was a little kid. It was easy to tell that neither of his parents appreciated that very much and favored the others over him. At least Clara made attempts to hide it. With William, it was ridiculously obvious that he didn't feel unconditional love towards his kids, and that he only cared for them when they followed all his directions. So Michael got the worst treatment in terms of neglect.
Eventually, the fighting got to be too much for Clara. She divorced William and left the kids with him, moving far away so she wouldn't be associated as an Afton anymore. This decision had a horrible effect on each of the Afton kids- Elizabeth became unhealthily attached to her father, Evan lost his only source of comfort (that wasn't a stuffed animal) and it made Michael's approaching teenage angst worse. Meanwhile William's only thought was "Hmm maybe I can design my new balleria animatronic after my ex-wife now... That way I can have another excuse not to take care of my kids 😻"
Being left unsupervised was the worst thing that could've happened to Michael. It gave him a sort of power he shouldn't have had, being that he was frustrated at his entire family and too immature to know how to deal with anger correctly. He vented his anger by becoming a destructive bully.
At first he just bullied Evan because he was an easy target. Not Elizabeth though, she... Mysteriously disappeared before he could do anything too bad to her. But her disappearence only left Michael more pissed off at the world. He started bullying kids at school with his group of friends. They quickly became the tormentors of the neighborhood.
Teenage Michael was a total shitbag, really. He hurt others because it made him feel powerful in a situation he was powerless in. Fun Fact: William hurts others to feel powerful too. Like father, like son.
However, Michael's tormenting wasn't 100% just for a power trip. It was partly to get attention from his father too. He got into all kinds of trouble looking for attention. He got into fights at school, purposely flunked all his classes, made his abuse against Evan abundantly clear, etc. Nothing worked. So then he decided to involve one of his father's own creations in his next scheme... And that one definitely worked. But not in the way he wanted it to.
So Evan was dead. William wasn't pleased, to say the least. It wasn't the fact that his son was dead that got him, it was the fact that Fredbear's had to be shut down. His first passion project was ruined by his own son.
William started giving Michael attention, but not the kind that he needed. He began taking his anger out on him. Screaming, hitting, locking him in his room for hours on end... The list went on. Now Michael knew what it felt like to be in Evan's spot.
But unlike William, Michael felt geniune sorrow from his brother's death. He never wanted him dead, he just went too far. If the guilt of that wasn't enough, nobody was understanding of him either. His "friends" ditched him and the entire town shunned him. Nobody wanted to be around him anymore. Not many people did to begin with, but now everybody acted like he was an apathetic murderer. (Everybody acted like he was his father...)
He was forced to spend the rest of childhood in isolation. When he wasn't isolated, he was with his father, only piling the mental and physical scars on top of each other. He transitioned from bitter and angry to terrified and ridden with guilt.
He learned his lesson about being an asshole, but he's been beat down so many times that he's afraid to get back up. He just took all the negativity that was thrown at him. He believed that he fully deserved it and that he didn't deserve a happy life. (Because he knew his father sure didn't...)
His only source of comfort at this time was watching TV. The TV raised him when his parents didn't, so... Basically always. One of the reasons he kept going was so he could catch the new Immortal and The Restless episodes.
Okay this is really stupid and out of place but I like to think this is what it looked like when Michael first discovered Immortal and The Restless:
Once Michael finally became an adult, he was ready to run away from it all. He knew that he didn't deserve to be happy, that he was a monster just as horrible as his father was, but he couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't strong enough.
So he took a page out of his mother's book and moved away. He didn't have enough money to move too far away, sadly, but he got far enough that nobody in town could recognize him. That's exactly what he was searching for. He desired a chance to start anew.
He didn't want to be Michael Afton anymore. Michael Afton was a murderer, a tormenter, a coward. He wanted to be a better person now, but he was convinced Michael Afton could never be better. Leading him to change his identity once he finished moving.
Michael Afton was dead. He was Mike Schmidt now, and Mike Schmidt was an incredible man. He was friends with all his neighbors, he was hard working, he never caused a bit of trouble. And he always smiled. Never a creepy and unnerving smile, but a warm and pleasant one.
This change did help him a bit. He was being treated like a person again instead of a monster, so that was appreciated. But it did a lot of harm too. He was pushing down all of his feelings and ignoring his problems. They were Michael Afton's problems, not Mike Schmidt's, after all. He was masking his true self and hiding it all with a grin. (He's like his father no matter what he does...)
However, this new life didn't last long. Everything stopped when he got a phone call from William. It was a sickeningly polite request, asking him to go down to Circus Baby's Entertainment and Rental, only for a simple week long shift.
Naturally, Michael was furious. He didn't want to accept a single request from that asshole, especially not now! He was still reinventing himself! He was ready to decline until William brought up the true reason why he wanted Mike down there- To free his little sister.
Mike was in awe. This was a chance to fix his past mistakes. Not all of them, of course, but he could make up for at least one part of the past. Though he was reluctant to have anything left to do with those bastardly animatronics, he felt like he had to do this. He gathered his courage and accepted, not knowing what was ahead of him.
The universe must have decided that he hadn't paid enough for his mistakes, because he ended up literally dying and then having his corpse used as a disguise for murderous animatronics. Not fun. Even when Ennard finally left, he just felt... Empty. Both physically and mentally. He wasn't even sad about it. He was accepting.
This was a natural punishment for trying to run away from his past, he assumed. Mike always thinks he deserves the bad things that happen to him. But, he also realized... When did his father ever get punished for something?
It just wasn't fair. William got away with everything while Mike was the one who had to pay for it. He did some terrible shit when he was younger, he knows, but wasn't this enough? When was William going to pay for slaughtering children for his selfish experiments and power trip?
In that moment, he knew what he needed to do. He had to kill his father and get revenge. He needed to free the rest of the souls like he did with his sister. That way, he could finally be at peace.
From then on, Mike was the best version of himself. He still made an effort to keep up his new identity, but he wasn't trying to run away anymore. He was scared and he was battling mental health issues everyday, but he was determined now. And nobody could stop him.
Let's say you fell in love after he moved and changed his name, so you didn't know about his past. He wouldn't tell you the truth for the longest time. Mike sees you in an extremely high light. You've got so many good qualities about you, and he's... Just some cowardly asshole who lives a lie. But you don't know that. You think he's great too. And fuck, he loves that, he wants it to stay that way so badly. He really does want to be with you.
So he stays as Mike Schmidt. He wouldn't mention a word about Michael Afton, his family, or anything to do with Freddy Fazbear's. Forget Fredbear's. He refuses to be a part of that. Most of the time he just dances around the subject when it's brought up, but he's willing to flat out lie if he has to. He doesn't understand that having a relationship built on lies isn't the best idea.
Besides that stuff about lying to you, I don't think he'd be too bad of a partner. He loves you so much and wants the best for you. He'd work hard so you could have everything you need/want. But since he works so much, it's hard to find time to spend together. Especially whenever he's working the night shift.
When you do find time, you probably won't be going out on dates. He's paranoid and avoids going out when he can. So you'll likely be at home, whether you're resting in bed or watching Immortal and The Restless together.
While he was working at Circus's Baby, he always made it a point to call you after 6AM and let you know he was on his way home. You didn't know that, truthfully, it was just his way of letting you know he was still alive.
He's also a protective boyfriend. Though he doesn't like going out, he would force himself to get past his fear and go out with you when you have to leave. He'll accompany you on trips to the grocery store or other errands. He makes sure to write down your work phone number somewhere safe, so he can call you during your breaks and make sure you're okay.
And in a way, him lying about his past is a way of protecting you, too. You could get hurt if you get involved. So he buries all the pain and wears a smile, no matter how much it hurts. When he has sudden flashbacks to his father's abuse or the death of his brother, his grin only falters for a second. He considers this his way of being strong.
Mike can't hide it forever, though. He'll be forced to confess after he gets scooped, because... Well, imagine trying to hide purple skin from somebody you see every day. You'll have to talk some sense into him though- He needs to be convinced that he can't handle everything on his own and that this isn't some punishment for his sins. So weirdly enough, him getting scooped wasn't entirely bad? Because it made your relationship stronger and he's better off, now that he has a goal and somebody to support him along the way.
But that didn't mean everything was sunshine and rainbows now. For one thing, his appearance is pretty fucked up, and not in the hot way. It's just another thing to add to the list of insecurites. He worries that you'll leave him for somebody better. He avoids physical affection as well, because he's sure you wouldn't want to touch him.
You can help by giving him lots of reassurance, though. He likes being called handsome even if he doesn't believe it, and it feels good knowing you're always there for him.
This might be an unpopular headcanon, but I honestly think Michael would want to get married. Probably not when he was younger and the wounds from his trauma were fresh, but once he's older and more healed. Just because his parents' marriage didn't turn out well doesn't mean that yours won't. There probably won't be an official ceremony, there might not even be any official documents saying you got married, but he would buy a pair of rings so you could say you were anyway. It's still marriage to him.
No kids though. He's still intensely afraid of having one of his own to take care of. The next best thing is Helpy 💀 But speaking of Helpy, the only Fazbear restaurant he'll let you go to is the one from Pizzeria Simulator. It's the only place he has any control over things, so he wouldn't be on the verge of having a panic attack everytime you got near an animatronic... But maybe you still don't need to be around those high risk ones...
Oh, and don't worry, he won't stick around in the fire like he did at the end of the game. I believe the only reason he did that was because he didn't have anything else. This family drama was his whole life, his whole purpose. So he thought it was only right to pass on with everybody else then.
But with you here now, he can't just leave you like that. Not as a single parent caring for Helpy! So you three can finally live that happily ever after without having to worry about any murderous animatronics or people in bunny suits again.
Haha, yeah... Definitely...
#fnaf#fnaf x reader#michael afton#micheal afton#michael afton x reader#fnaf headcanons#fnaf fanfic#blue writes#five nights at freddy's#mike afton#fnaf michael afton
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I want a fic where michael afton is like a guardian angel to the missing kids. He helps them keep William locked in hell, he and Cass get along well, he gets a better bond with cc and helps the kids just enjoy after life even if their bound to the living world. All the while the missing kids are so interested in what's behind the white bear mask.
Michael is dead, not undead, so he's not rotting he just looks like his father and didn't want to unsettle the kids. (He can't stand seeing that man in the mirror every day) and he honestly thought cc would have told them, at least have told cassidy. It must have come up in convo with charlie?? But no, and it's just them getting to know michael and eventually finding out he's the eldest son of their murderer.
I have this weird thing with William and Michael looking the same but one is demonic while the other is forever in atonement. A demon and an angel looking at their own face when at odds with each other. 'Family' only in blood, the blood through their veins, the blood on their hands.
#cc afton#micheal afton#michael afton#william afton#evan afton#afton family#fnaf#angel#angels and demons#religion#kinda#fnaf cassidy#fnaf missing kids#fnaf missing children#fnaf charlie#fnaf fanfic
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Hello party people!!
I know I've been lacking activity lately, I've been really busy and I was in a really bad mental state for a while, I was considering literally ending things-
It was really hard to even update the story somewhat consistently and to stay engaged.
But I got better and have freetime now!! 🥳 thanks for ur continued support!!
I'll be posting more art and animatics now since I have some of that passion again, but please remain patient with me!
The second book of the Apocalypse AU will be released in like, two days
The first book was just an introductory! Here are just SOME of the new characters that are going to show up in later chapters/books:
And just some Fronnie family art I made for funsies:
Note: these are not ALL the new characters, some of them won't be revealed until later either bc they're designs are unfinished or to avoid spoilers (that's why I'm not showing any of the main cast)
Also my drawing style changed a lot, I spent the time improving
This is older art I finished but if my art looks different from now on, thats why!
#fnaf#fnaf security breach#fnaf au#fanfic#zombie apocolypse au#new characters#glamrock bonnie#glamrock freddy#glamrock fronnie#fronnie#fronnie family#fnaf gregory#look daisy is here :0#william afton#micheal afton#fnaf vanessa#bunny vanessa#elizabeth afton#springtrap#charlotte emily#character reveals#bunny gregory#announcement#mental health update#new chapters coming out!
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"Don't Give the Farmer His Fun Fun Fun."

WRITTEN BY @ronniesart
Further cover art for each arc will continue to be done by me, also including any small comic scenes!!
#art#digital art#my art#fanart#my artwork#fnaf#micheal afton#fnaf michael afton#fnaf fanart#clara afton#fnaf mrs afton#fnaf clara#fnaf au#fnaf art#fnaf william afton#william afton#william fnaf#fnaf purple guy#fnaf mike#alternate universe#fnaf fanfic#fnaf fandom#artists on tumblr#writers on tumblr#five nights at freddy's#five nights at freddys#fivenightsatfreddysfanart#mrs afton#michael afton#HIFS au
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Once Michael becomes a mechanic at the rental bunker, he finally gets a glimpse at the blueprints for the funtimes.
He'd realize there was an emergency stop on Circus Baby this entire time and just break down entirely.
He went up to Baby after she snatched Elizabeth. Tried pulling on her chest and stomach plates because he caught a glimpse of his sister getting taken. He was right there. The realization that if he had just tried pulling on even just one of those pins on the robot, his sister would be alive, leaves him in shambles.
He arrives at home that night and doesn't even bother watching any TV. Instead, he goes into his room and just cries.
Calling it Michael's room is a bit generous, though. Michael really just took over William's room after he left.
He can't bring himself to sleep in his and Lizzie's shared room anymore.
No one has stepped foot in his brother's room since the accident.
He usually ends up sleeping on the couch for that reason. Prefers it to any of the houses' painfully empty rooms. But tonight is different. Even if he knows William hates him, even if he knows his father would never let him do something so childish when he's all grown up, Michael wants to, for just a moment, pretend his parents are there to comfort him. He wants nothing more than to just be small again, wants to pretend he's lying with his mother and father after some scary dream, and desperately wants to pretend that everything is just a bad dream.
He'll wake up and help Mom with the baby because he loves his little sister so much, and he knows Mom needs the help because of how busy Dad is with the diner. Dad will make them all breakfast and then have to be out the door by the time the rest of them sit down at the table, but it's okay because Michael knows he'll be back.
And then Michael wakes up for real. He grabs a pillow and holds it to his chest, gripping it like a lifeline before crying into it. He doesn't have any more tears in him. He just ends up sitting there and shaking as he leans down and buries his head in the pillow.
He stays like that until the sun finally goes down, and then he's off for another shift.
#mentioned character death#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf fanfic#fnaf fanfiction#michael afton#fanfiction#fanfic#fnaf michael afton#michael afton fnaf#fnaf micheal#michael fnaf#mentioned crying child#mentioned ms afton#circus baby#fnaf circus baby#circus baby fnaf#elizabeth afton#fnaf elizabeth#elizabeth fnaf#fnaf elizabeth afton#elizabeth afton fnaf#william afton#fnaf william#william fnaf#fnaf william afton#william afton fnaf
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His Empire of Dirt has been sending me on a spiral, I’m on 39/69 chapters 😕
ID: Two men, both with dark brown hair. The older one, standing over the younger one with a grip on his jaw. The older with glowing purple eyes and a manipulative expression, and the other with shut eyes and a sad expression. Both have purple shirts on, the younger with a named tagged labeled, ‘Mike’. Older has yellow tie with blood on the bottom, there is also blood on his hands. In the back there’s text that says, ‘I will Fix you,’
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"do you have to tease me?"
movie mike x female y/n

• xtra info ⬇️
× ˚ ₊ m a s t e r l i s t
⊹ ₊ ✦× ˚ ₊ warnings; smut
⊹ ₊ ✦× ˚ ₊ !! fyi !! mike is submissive in this one but if you guys prefer him being dom dont be afraid to ask. i will take your suggestions with open arms.. !! ⊹
you softly knocked on your boyfriend's door, awaiting his smile the moment you two lock eyes. your rain coat was being hit gently by the water that was falling off of mike's roof. his window showed that a tv was on and you knew it was probably his little sister, abby. you heard footsteps approaching the door and you pushed some loose hairs behind your ear.
the door slowly opened and abby's head popped into vision, she had the door slightly ajar and took a good look at you. "just trying to make sure its not a stranger." she said softly. she opened the door and smiled at you, and went back to her tv show. you walked in and shut the door behind you, forgetting to lock it. you unbuttoned your coat and hung it up on a hanger. "a visitor?" a voice called and you looked up into the hallway.
mike was standing with a big smile and he raised out his arms, inviting you for a hug. of course, you couldnt resist. you ran up to him and threw your arms around his neck and he got a nice grip on your waist. you two shared many kisses and took deep breaths. "i missed you so much." mike smiled and tilted up your head. you two made eye contact and both shared the comfortable feeling of love. "i missed you just as much." you replied, glancing over at his room.
he caught that you were looking away and followed your eyes. he took one hand off of your waist and led you to his room with the other. you couldnt help but giggle a bit, did you really make it that obvious? he shut the door behind the both of you and you sat on the bed. "so, abby is doing her thing. and we both know she'll be busy for awhile." mike walked up to you and looked down. your fingers ran up his shirt and you began to stroke the buttons on it. "we have all the time in the world." he whispered and softly grabbed your wrist, "but do you have to tease me?"
you nodded your head and smiled at him. finally, you put your finger under the button and pushed it off. his chest began to become more visible, but not all of it. you looked down and noticed the buldge in his pants, "i think id like to be in control tonight." you looked back up at him and placed both of your hands on the bed. he decided to finish unbuttoning his shirt but you moved his hands out of the way. "wrong. unbuckle your pants." he flushed red and nodded his head. he reached his hands down and followed your instructions, but in a hurry.
"youre needy arent you?" you grinned and watched his pants drop to the floor. one more layer of clothing left to go. "i'll do anything for you, please can i take my boxers off?" he asked politely, but that wouldnt cut it for you. you patted the empty space next to you and he instantly sat himself down. he kept looking down at his boner and back at you. "im in control." you got on top of him and held his face up. you pushed him down and he lied back, knowing that if he didnt stay down he'd get teased even more.
you grabbed his hands and slowly led them to your waist, but then you slid them down so that they were on your ass. you smirked as you felt his cock twitch and in response you grinded against it for a quick second. he let out some quiet whimpers hoping for more than just that. "whyd you..stop?" mike said, hesitant to question you, so he rubbed your ass a little bit thinking that youd forgive his questioning. "why should i give you anymore than that, hm?" you softly asked. he looked up into your eyes and slowly opened his mouth, "no reason, ma'am."
you ran your fingers through his hair and began to kiss him. you also started grinding on him again. the moment he felt you doing that, he let out a mhmmm that was muffled through a kiss. you continued pleasing your needy and horny boyfriend until a knock was heard. "mike!" abby called and you instantly got off of him and threw the blanket over the both of you. "uhh.. come in!" mike yelled, and she opened the door to see the two of you cuddling. "yuck.. i just wanted to tell you im going to bed.." she shut the door and walked away.
"guess all youre getting is a teasing session.." you smiled and kissed his cheek. he whined a little then laughed. "too bad for me."
#x y/n#fanfic#x reader#fnaf x reader#smut#mike schmidt#mike schimdt x reader#mike schimdt smut#micheal afton smut#micheal afton x reader#micheal afton#fnaf micheal#fnaf x you#fnaf smut#fnaf
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Promptober day 14 - going to a Halloween party
Pairing - mike afton x fem!reader
Warnings - drinking
a/n - the bite happens in this universe but evan/cc doesnt and elizabeth doesnt die either.
Promptober ‘23 masterlist
Main masterlist
I'm leaned over the bathroom sink applying some red lipstick, and mike I sat up on the counter watching me. I pull away from the mirror rubbing my lips together to blend the lipstick in. "do I look good?" I ask as I turn to my boyfriend. his eyebrows raise as if he was snapping back into reality. "wh-what'd you say?" he asks "do I look good?" I repeat. he smiles and nods "always do" he whispers.
I'm dressed in my Halloween costume that is a little skimpy but appropriate enough that my father would let me leave the house in it. instead of a costume mike settled for an orange and black tee-shirt. he didn't really want to go to this party, he wasn't the party type not since the accident, but he agreed because I promised I'd help him with his brother and sister during thanksgiving break.
"c'mon Mikey" I whisper as I grab his hand. he hops off of the counter and follows me out of the bathroom and into the living room where my dad is sat on the couch watching tv. "Bye daddy!" I say walking past him and towards the door. "Wait, wait, wait. Michael, we have few ground rule's alright son?" mike nods frantically "no hands, no alcohol, and no drugs got it?"
"Yes sir" mike whispers as he nods. I groan as a hear our friends honking outside. "c'mon, c'mon we're going to be late." I say tugging on mikes arm to pull him outside.
when we arrive at the party the house is loud filled with music and the sound of drunk teenagers dancing. it smelt like sweat and cheap alcohol. this was totally not mikes element. it's not that he's shy it's just that he likes to keep to himself well at least since what happened to Evan. he doesn't hang out with those friends who were involved with the accident, they also happened to be popular, and they we're always his ticket into things like this. so, since he's pulled away from those friends, he just normally does school, the occasional hang out with me, and taking care of both his siblings.
"c'mon let's go gets some drinks" I say pulling him towards the kitchen. there aren't many people in the kitchen, just a few very drunk kids that are getting there 5 millionth drink. there are a few cases of beer sat on the counter with a few bottles of liquor and a stack of red solo cups. "What do you want?" I ask as I grab a beer and pop it open. "Your dad said no drinks" I roll my eyes "it's fine he won't know" "you think?" he asks brows furrowed. "I'm sure, just loosen up alright?" I say placing a hand on mikes shoulder. he's been so tightly wound since the accident sometimes he just needs to breath.
"let's just have fun" he smiles weakly before pressing a small kiss to my lips.
@leonkennedylefthand @maexyn @truecobblepot @mfnqueen1 @zoey5252 @nezukos-number1fan @bxbyyyjocelyn @dr3amyk1ng
#fanfics#x reader#mike afton x reader#mike afton#micheal afton#micheal afton x reader#micheal afton x fem!reader#Mike afton x fem!reader#fnaf#fnaf x reader#five nights at freddy's
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